Art journal,  Creative Life

Art journal spring aesthetic pages

Last Updated on 29/02/2024

Discover examples of art journal pages with a spring aesthetic and relevant topics with a list of spring prompts to help you get started. Spring is here, and what better way to celebrate than by creating beautiful art journal pages? Art journals like mood boards are a great way to express yourself and explore your creativity. With some inspiration, you can create stunning art journal pages that reflect the beauty of spring. We’ve put together a list of spring prompts and examples of art journal pages to help you get started.

Art journal spring aesthetic pages



Art journal spring aesthetic pages

List of prompts

From exploring the colors, sights, and sounds of spring to capturing the essence of the season, creating a list of prompts will help you create unique art journal pages that capture the spirit of spring. So grab your supplies and get ready to express yourself!

Art journaling pages with a spring aesthetic

Choosing the right journal

Firstly, there are different kinds of art journals. There are art journals in which we use a specific medium like pens, watercolors, acrylics, markers, pastels, etc. And, there are mixed media where we combine different mediums. Moreover, there are scrapbooking journals where we can use pieces of paper, cards, stickers, photos, etc, and we add text. The truth is that all have their advantages and their beauty. So, if we have time, it would be great if we could try each of them in different periods.

Art journal spring aesthetic pages -photo by Emily Park via
photo by Emily Park via

Organizing spring topics

Spring is about flowers, butterflies, and birds. So, we can make lists of them as prompts. For example, we can list flowers or trees that bloom in spring. Daffodils, crocuses, primula, tulips, and tree blossoms like cherry trees, apple trees, almond trees, etc. will be included in this list. We can also make similar lists of plants, butterflies, or birds after doing a small research about the species and their characteristics.

paintbrushes and watercolor near flowers painting
Photo by Jonathan Borba on

fresh flowers and sprigs of plants placed on white background
Photo by Teona Swift on

Experimenting with different art mediums and styles

The next step is to draw, paint, or make a collage with stickers or photos of them, like a mood board. Ideally, we can do one every day. But, if it’s challenging to make this commitment, we can choose the available days and hours. Moreover, we can add a remarkable thing about them that we can connect with our memories, thoughts, dreams, or present life.

photo by Pure Julia via - Art journal spring aesthetic pages
photo by Pure Julia via

Searching for new sources of inspiration

Another way to find inspiration is to use quotes. For example, quotes about the spring season, blossoms, flowers, etc. are a great way to start or fill our art journal or simple journal pages. I think that there’s no other perfect quote for the first page of a journal than Victor Hugo’s quote. It says: “Spring is the season of plans and projects”. Furthermore, we can use quotes for other spring themes like rainbows, rain, and Easter.

photo by Emily Park via -Art journal spring aesthetic pages
journal photo by Emily Park via

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