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Feather symbolism and inspiring feather quotes

Last Updated on 08/01/2024

Discover interesting feather symbolism and inspiring feather quotes according to their kind and color and what it means to find a feather. There are so many beautiful feathers and each one of them symbolizes something different from peacock feathers to hawk or black. Feathers have long been regarded as symbols of various meanings and carry significant symbolism across different cultures and beliefs. In this section, we will explore the symbolism behind different kinds of feathers and their colors, as well as the meaning of finding a feather. Additionally, we will provide some inspiring feather quotes that capture the essence of these symbolic elements.

Inspiring feather quotes and symbolism

Feather symbolism and inspiring feather quotes

Feathers hold diverse symbolisms depending on their kind and color. For instance, peacock feathers are often associated with beauty, pride, and immortality due to their vibrant hues and intricate patterns. And, many Native American traditions linked hawk or eagle feathers to power, freedom, and spirituality.

“Just as Indians wear feathers on their heads to show what tribe they belong to, we wear our deformities in the open. And we live quietly so as not to hurt one another.” 

— Haruki Murakami

“I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright.” 

— Stephen King

“Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune without the words And never stops at all.”

— Emily Dickinson

Moreover, there is the belief that finding a feather is a sign or message from the spiritual realm. Some believe that when you come across a feather in an unexpected place or during a significant moment in your life, it serves as a reminder that angels or loved ones who have passed away are watching over you. Others interpret finding a feather as a symbol of good luck or guidance on your path.

Let’s not forget about the captivating feather quotes that encapsulate the significance of these delicate yet powerful symbols. From quotes about unity like “birds of a feather flock together” to introspective reflections such as “life is like a feather; it can be light and free,” these quotes offer insight into how feathers can inspire us to embrace our unique qualities while recognizing our connection to others.

“She could not fathom the hexagonal miracle of snowflakes formed from clouds, crystallized fern and feather that tumble down to light on a coat sleeve, white stars melting even as they strike.” 

— Stephen King

Light as a Feather quotes

“I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a school-boy.” 

— Charles Dickens

“Death is lighter than a feather.”

— Robert Jordan

“I weigh more than a mountain but less than a feather.”

—  Patrick Ness

Whether you seek wisdom from feathers’ symbolic meanings or find solace in their presence, understanding what they represent adds depth to our experiences with these remarkable natural wonders.

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