photos & notes

ARTbyJWP photography, daily notes, updates and articles.

  • Photography,  photos & notes

    On sunny hills you never walk alone

    Sunday morning in the Saint Achilles island in the small Prespa Lake and we take a walk on its sunny hills. A route that starts from the church of St. George on the first hill and ends to the big white cross on the last hill of the island. Visitors are coming in groups to see the basilica church of St. Achilles and the other Byzantine monuments and everywhere you can hear their echo. But, the island holds many surprises,…

  • Photography,  photos & notes


    I really love the way that people who live and work near nature, perceive and understand seasons and time. They use all their senses, not only their eyes or their clocks. And, their world seems to have a consistency and a coherence that binds them tight with the present. For many, staying near nature may be the answer for stress, lack of a life meaning, and depression. For me, continuing to photograph the seasonal flora and reading about flowers and weeds,…

  • Photography,  photos & notes

    the rule of thirds

    The rule of thirds is one of the basic one learns in photography. Photographers with experience usually do it automatically. They divide their picture in nine quarters, tree rows of three horizontal and three vertical squares. And, capture their points of interest in the one or more inner crosses. These points are considered the powerful points of a visual composition that follow the natural way of seeing. Yesterday I realised that I usually forget to do that. Most of the…

  • Photography,  photos & notes

    talking about my generation

    A Sunday walk in the waterfront of Thessaloniki always has something to surprise you. This time was a band of youth, playing live music a few meters from the White Tower, and many teenagers taking part in a Play-act-motiON activity, engaging with YMCA and as part of the general action of Thessaloniki city as European Youth Capital for 2014. And, there were four generations amusing with the same sound, singing the same songs and feeling the same feelings. It was 1965…

  • Photography,  photos & notes

    our own understanding of history

    “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”George Orwell I am walking in the center of Thessaloniki for many years as a student firstly and afterward as an inhabitant and I am always impressed by its monuments no matter how many times I pass by them. They always give a distinctive flair to my memories. Waiting beside the Arch of Galerius (Kamara) in Egnatia Street my good friends from university for the…

  • Photography,  photos & notes


    “Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless; peacocks and lilies for instance”. John SteinbeckPeacock, the bird with a large fan of colorful feathers, usually opens its tail to attract peahen’s attention. His bright colored feathers with the characteristic eye had always impressed people. Peacocks and their feathers had become a symbol in art and religion from ancient times and it had combined both positive and negative connotations. In ancient Greece, the peacock was goddess Hera’s bird,…

  • Photography,  photos & notes

    mere color

    “Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways“. Oscar Wilde The sea in Toroni has this blue – turquoise color and these crystal waters that can please anyone. It is not a coincidence that its 2.5 km long curved beach is awarded the Blue Flag many times and for 2013. The Blue Flag is a voluntary eco-label awarded to more than 3850 beaches and marinas in 48 countries all over the world. …

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Find A Way by JWP