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Quotes to inspire New Year Resolutions

Last Updated on 30/04/2023

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Happy New Year everyone with these five powerful quotes to inspire this new year’s resolutions. New Year’s Eve always finds us counting last year’s accomplishments and failures, reviewing past resolutions, and adding new ones.

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Quotes to Inspire New Year Resolutions

To build the new

The focus in life, like focus on photography, is everything. With the right focus, we can achieve whatever we pursue. With the wrong focus, we may wander unfulfilled. So, whatever change we dream to make this New Year we should put all our energy into the new and stop fighting.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new”.

Quotes to inspire New Year Resolutions

To become what we wish

I grow up with people that always said “I can’t be like this”, or “I wish I could be like that”. Maybe I was reading so much literature from my childhood, but I thought that this phrase was unthinkable. If we wish to be something else, we should try to act like this. This quote from Socrates reminds us so clearly that we control what we are.

“Be as you wish to seem”.

"Be as you wish to seem". Socrates - Quotes to inspire New Year Resolutions

What we do, defines us

Small everyday actions have a huge impact when they are repeated. The difficult part is not to lose self-motivation and the big picture when you try to establish a healthy habit. I gave up smoking a year before my pregnancy and it was one of the best five things I did in my life. When I was smoking, I was saying to myself how awful and dirty this smoke felt in my mouth. Also, I made small agreements. I couldn’t smoke in the office or in the car, and I kept them faithfully. After four to six months, I didn’t want to smoke and I didn’t smoke again. Everyday practice for an hour is the key to establishing whatever habit you wish.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit”.

Quotes to inspire New Year Resolutions


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To continue counts

It is a common rule for all of us that the resolutions usually break and then are forgotten. When I was younger, I used to feel disappointed with every obstacle and I stopped trying. Now, that my son is 5 years old and I see how easily he loses his temper and his motivation when he is failing to do something, I’m trying to teach him the power of staying decisive to succeed and never give up. And, I think that this is the key to our resolutions to success: not stop trying despite the imperfection of our actions.

“Success is not final and failure is not fatal:

it is the courage to continue that count”.

Winston Churchill
Quotes to inspire New Year Resolutions

Learn from mistakes

This is one of my favorite quotes to inspire New Year Resolutions. It is common that we learn more from failure than from success. But, one of the mistakes I did in the past was just to feel miserable for my failure than to take the blame, analyze what I did wrong, and get over it. I underestimated the power of naming and defining things. Once I started describing my behavior and actions that led to failure, I had a clear view of myself and how I reacted in these situations. So, it was easy to detect what was wrong and stop repeating it. It is essential to understand that focusing on failure is not bad when you try to learn from it with an open mind and sincerity.

“Failure is a success if we learn from it”.

Malcolm Forbes
"Failure is a success if we learn from it". Malcolm Forbes - Quotes to inspire New Year Resolutions

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