motivational quotes

Ten inspirational quotes about style

Check out more than ten inspirational quotes about style, how to find it, and define who you are and how… Read More

My favorite quotes about time

In this post, you will find my favorite quotes about time that, if it really exists, try to explain what… Read More

More than nine inspirational T. S. Eliot quotes

Check out more than nine inspirational T. S. Eliot quotes about life to motivate you through sophisticated gems of wisdom. Read More

My favorite quotes for spring

Discover my favorite quotes for spring to inspire us now that March is here with more sun, endless flowers, and… Read More

15 James Joyce inspiring quotes

This post is dedicated to James Joyce's birthday on 2nd February and I've included my 15 James Joyce favorite and… Read More

My fav Haruki Murakami quotes

12th January is Haruki Murakami's birthday and in this post, you will find my fav Murakami quotes about life and… Read More

My favorite start and finish quotes

Discover my favorite start and finish quotes to inspire and motivate any beginnings and fresh starts and the important part… Read More

My favorite quotes about mindset

My 10 favorite inspirational quotes about the mindset and the power of thinking as it may be one of the… Read More

My fav Milan Kundera quotes about life

Milan Kundera is a famous Chech author and in this post, you will find some of my favorite and his… Read More

Inspirational birthday and age quotes

Discover inspirational birthday and age quotes for deep and thoughtful introspection that may lead to a better life in the… Read More

Quotes to inspire New Year Resolutions

New Year's Eve finds me reviewing past resolutions, and adding new. Here, I share five powerful quotes to inspire this… Read More

Favorite quotes about consistency

These are my favorite quotes about consistency and why it's essential to establish the right habits and daily routines for… Read More



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